OREANDA-NEWS. March 07, 2013. Siauliu bankas is going to resume the provision of certain banking services to the former clients of Ukio bankas. In Siauliu bankas shall be service these clients in accordance with the fees which used to be applied by Ukio bankas for the period of 60 calendar days, i.e. until May 5, 2013. The former clients of Ukio bankas who were entitled to contractual fees and are willing to take advantage of the contractual conditions further are invited to address Siauliu bankas within several months to conclude the new agreements.

Please, pay your attention that interest rates valid at Siauliu bankas shall be applied to the bank account balances of  the former Ukio bankas' clients as well as to automatically extended deposits .

We would like to emphasize that insured time deposits of former Ukio bankas' clients are transferred to Siauliu bankas - until the end of the maturity they shall be subject to the same conditions and interest which were fixed by Ukio bankas. Therefore, if  not forced by any urgent matters, the residents do not have to hurry the former outlets of Ukio bankas which resumed the provision of services, to take care of the savings  or take any other actions prior to the deposit maturity. In order not to incur loss the clients are recommended not to hurry to withdraw deposits as if the deposit is terminated prior to its maturity, the depositors will loose their right to the interest accrued during the period of deposit.  Siauliu bankas ensures that all the deposits of the clients kept in Siauliu bankas are safe and insured in compliance with the Law on Insurance of Deposits and Liabilities to Investors of the Republic of Lithuania.  At the same time we would like to thank inhabitant for their understanding and kindly ask to retrain from visiting the bank during the first days in order to avoid long queues and other inconveniences.

If the automatic deposit extension was foreseen by the former time deposit agreement with Ukio bankas Siauliu bankas shall also extend the validity of such deposit for the new period automatically applying the deposit interest rates valid in Siauliu bankas at that time.

To the former clients of Ukio bankas whose deposits were transferred to Siauliu bankas but who are willing to terminate the time deposit agreements prior to their maturity Siauliu bankas is ready to pay the total amount of deposit in case it does not exceed the amount of LTL 20 thou  (or equivalent in euros) immediately. If the amount of deposit exceeds LTL 20 thou the depositor's funds will be paid not later than within two business days of the bank from the provision of a written application. Therefore, in order not to incur loss we suggest making a decision regarding deposit termination after assessing the situation rationally and consider the financial necessity.

The clients can always address Siauliu bankas regarding the particular conditions of services, fees applicable to the services and further cooperation which would meet their needs.