OREANDA-NEWS. 'Expert RA' rating agency assigned sovereign rating to the Islamic Republic of Iran: ВВ in a foreign currency and ВВ+ in the national currency, which means sufficient credit solvency. The credit environment rating ССС+, which means low credit environment quality, in a foreign currency and В-, which means satisfactory credit environment quality, in the national currency were also assigned to the country.

The low debt level of the state, gold and currency reserves exceeding total liabilities, low budget deficit in relation to GDP, and availability of privatization options had a positive impact on the sovereign rating and the credit environment rating of Iran.

The Agency's analysts noted high inflation, low capitalization of the stock market, low institutional development of the state and poor investor rights protection, as well as low development of the debt instrument markets, which is due to specific features of the Islamic financial system, as the factors restraining both ratings.