OREANDA-NEWS. A commissioning ceremony of Hitachi tomographic scanner purchased by Metalloinvest took place on 23 October in “LebGOK - Health” diagnostic centre. The Company allocated approximately RUB 30 million for the purchase and installation of the first tomographic scanner in the Belgorod region.

The equipment will allow to achieve a higher efficiency of diagnostics of various illnesses, and it will be used to diagnose Metalloinvest's employees, as well as Stary Oskol and Gubkin's residents. New tomography scanner enables to conduct brain, spine, knee and hip joints, and shoulder, ankle and elbow joints scan, as well as to conduct in-depth screening of lower pelvic and neck organs. The device allows to scan patients with limited mobility (such as small children or unconscious patients).

Providing support to healthcare system in towns where Metalloinvest has operations is one of major directions of the Company's social policy, which is implemented in partnership with the region's administration. As such, Lebedinsky GOK allocates funds to Gubkin children hospital for acquisition of medication for children who require continuous treatment on a monthly basis. Metalloinvest provided RUB 7 million for the purchase of costly equipment for the hospital. Approximately 20,000 children, 1/6 of Gubkin population will have access to the equipment. Earlier LebedinskyGOK purchased two modern specialised cars for emergency unit.