OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Plant Qatar L.L.C., a joint venture company established by Hitachi and a local firm in the State of Qatar ("Qatar"), and Qatar University, a national university of Qatar, announced that a signing ceremony was held to enter into a comprehensive industry-university collaboration agreement concerning environmental and energy efficiency technologies in the infrastructure systems field.

Under this agreement, the three parties agreed to collaborate on the review and selection of research and development (R&D) themes concerning advanced technologies that are suited to the environment and the needs of the Middle East region, including Qatar, over the next three years. The three parties will successively conduct technology development, field trials and other activities based on the selected R&D themes in order to put the resulting technologies into use as early as possible in the Middle East. As the first activity, the parties plan to initiate collaborative R&D concerning energy-efficient air conditioning system technology from the beginning of 2015.

Guided by the Qatar National Vision 2030, a growth strategy eyeing 2030, Qatar is seeking to spur further economic development and improve the country's standards of living in the course of achieving a sustainable society. With its plans to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022, infrastructure investment in the country is expected to increase. Qatar has extensive plans for new construction projects, such as football stadiums, hotels and railways. The development of these projects has been accompanied by a growing influx of foreign migrant workers, resulting in a rapid increase in demand for power and water. At present, Qatar has set national targets of reducing power consumption and water consumption per person by 20% and 35%, respectively, by 2016 compared with 2011 levels.

To solve these energy-related issues, Hitachi, Hitachi Plant Qatar and Qatar University will begin reviewing and selecting joint R&D themes primarily in three fields: energy-efficient air conditioning, water treatment and recycling, and energy efficient management.

Looking ahead, Hitachi, Hitachi Plant Qatar and Qatar University will pursue cutting-edge technology development that is attuned to Qatar and the larger Middle East region. Through these efforts, they will seek to rise above environmental and energy efficiency challenges and contribute to infrastructure development.