OREANDA-NEWS. September 07, 2016. Edison issues update on Imperial Innovations (IVO)

Imperial Innovations (IVO) has been executing on its intention to rebalance its investment portfolio away from therapeutics companies by building up activities in the non-therapeutics space, in particular ICT/digital. Ongoing investment in both established and new ICT/digital companies should see this sector grow in both importance and value. This report focuses on Featurespace, a company outside IVO's top 10 assets by value of holding at end-H116, but one that received additional investment in May ahead of important catalysts over the next year. 

Imperial Innovations is a technology transfer, incubation and venture investment company. It invests in ventures from Imperial College London, Cambridge and Oxford universities and UCL. Over 90% of its portfolio value is in 20 companies, with most (c 77%) of its investments in healthcare.