OREANDA-NEWS. An unauthorized protest organized in Paris in memory of the death of Adama Traore after his arrest by the police in June 2016, escalated into riots and clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement officers. This was reported in the prefecture of the Paris police.

A demonstration against police violence began on Tuesday evening in front of a courthouse in the north of the city. For the first few hours it passed peacefully, but then unrest began. Demonstrators tried to block Boulevard Peripherique, started to build barricades and set fire to building structures, garbage cans, road panels. In response, the police used tear gas. However, the gendarmes failed to disperse the demonstrators.

According to police, more than 19 thousand people are taking part in the protest.

The rally in Paris is taking place against the backdrop of ongoing riots in a number of US states after the death of Afro-American George Floyd arrested by police in Minneapolis.