OREANDA-NEWS   Five victims of poisoning in Stavropol were schoolchildren. They are taken to the regional hospital, four of them in intensive care, said Friday the press service of the head of the region.

Specialists from Stavropol delivered to children by sanaviation. Now they were transported to the regional center, where they provide the necessary assistance. In the evening, two children fell into a coma.

"Five schoolchildren from the Izobilnensky city district on behalf of the Governor Vladimir Vladimirova were taken to the regional children's clinical hospital in Stavropol. Vladimir Vladimirov keeps the situation under personal control, " the report said.

As the regional Minister of health Victor Mazharov reported to the head of the region, the condition of four teenagers is heavy, they are in intensive care. The Minister stressed that the medical institution is equipped with everything necessary to provide assistance, doctors work with each victim, the press service reports.

The incident occurred on Friday, October 19. In the classroom at school teenagers took a large dose of the drug. Soon they became ill, and they were hospitalized with drug poisoning.

Ninth-graders were sent to hospital in the Izobilnensky city district. A criminal case was initiated under article 118 of the criminal code of Russian Federation ("Causing of heavy harm to health on imprudence"). On-site work, law enforcement officers, the staff of the CPS.

The investigation is headed by Igor Ivanov - the head of the regional investigation Department. Besides, the Governor of the region Vladimir Vladimirov charged to check all schools and drugstores of the Izobilnensky city area in the territory of which there was an emergency.

As it became known, the students took "Baclosan" - it is a muscle relaxant of (drugs which affect neuromuscular transmission).