OREANDA-NEWS At the festival of young art "Tavrida.The VKontakte ART pavilion gathered more than 6.5 thousand talented representatives of the creative sphere. 

Being a strategic partner of the festival, VK has developed a bright program, providing those who wish to join both online and offline. The company presented educational and entertainment programs with the participation of leading experts, popular bloggers and stars, which attracted the attention of more than 6.5 thousand people.

VK representatives noted that three special technological spaces for guests were launched within the framework of the festival — the VK Pavilion, the VK Campfire and the VK Container. In the first space, guests could listen to various lectures, participate in master classes and interactive meetings with professionals from the world of creative industries, bloggers and artists. More than 60 bloggers and celebrities took part in the events organized by the company.

Another space that attracted the attention of the guests was the Bonfire VK, in which festival guests could change the color of the flame and leave messages in a special chatbot.

"In the zones Container VK and Kostrovaya VK participants "Tavrida.ART"could relax, exchange experiences and make new useful connections — and a special VKontakte chat was launched to continue communication," the press release noted, adding that activities in offline and digital formats were invented especially for the guests.

In addition, the platform launched a challenge in the VKontakte Steps service, which collected more than 31 million steps, and also pleased the guests with many other activities.