OREANDA-NEWS American journalist Matt Agorist called the prison for especially dangerous criminals Guantanamo «the main stain on the reputation» of the USA. He also recalled the secret private prison Haman's Quadrangle, which is also notorious for it's bullying of prisoners.

Matt Agorist is covering police brutality and torture in the United States. From 2004 to 2015, the journalist continues, about 8 thousand prisoners, mostly African-Americans, passed through the Haman Quadrangle. It turned out that even minors were kept there, moreover, without sufficient grounds for that. The agorist recalled the story of prisoner Angel Perez, who was raped with a gun.

«Two officers raped him. He was in shackles and could not defend himself. The torture continued for several hours — until the man agreed to cooperate with the police and hand over someone else. After the media hype, Perez managed to win a court case against Chicago», the journalist said.