OREANDA-NEWSNot all EU countries support the embargo on military supplies to Turkey proposed by Sweden. This was announced on Monday in an interview with Swedish radio by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom, Ann Linde, before meeting with her colleagues in Luxembourg.

"When it became known that Sweden would achieve this, several countries said": What can we do, do we need to support the arms embargo, do we need our own rules? "But the question arose about the need to respond, not just blame", she explained. According to Swedish Radio, the reason for the lack of unanimity on the embargo was that some countries were afraid of the threats of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to open the Turkish border with the EU for millions of refugees.

The head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry believes that she and her colleagues can still agree to take the first small step in the direction of tougher measures against Turkey. "It can be agreed that the EU will create a working group to quickly consider possible restrictions", Linde said.