OREANDA-NEWSThe legislative assembly of the southernmost Japanese prefecture of Okinawa on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution protesting against a series of events related to the stay of US military bases there. First of all, it demanded to stop the parachute exercises that American troops hold in the territory of the Kaden Air Force Base located in a densely populated area. “These trainings cause extreme concern of the local population”, the news agency quoted the document as saying.

Back in 1996, Washington agreed to conduct such exercises on a remote sparsely populated island, but in fact ignores such an agreement. The Okinawa Legislative Assembly also pointed to regularly occurring incidents with American planes, helicopters, and convertiplanes. It also demanded to tighten discipline among the military. Only in early October, for example, the local police arrested four US Marines who, in a state of drinking, broke the glass of a police patrol car.

The resolution was transferred to the command of the American armed forces in Japan, to the US Embassy in Tokyo, and also sent to the Japanese government.