OREANDA-NEWS. October 3, 2011. A meeting focusing on the tasks assigned to financial and economic institutions of Turkmenistan in the context of the new international initiatives put forward by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the 66th session of the UN General Assembly took place in the Turkmen capital. The cabinet ministers, representative of the UN agencies, heads and leading specialists of the ministries and departments concerned, financial, statistic and tax agencies, state and joint-stock commercial banks, scientists and teachers of educational institutions participated in the meeting.

It was noted that the active peace-building position of the Turkmen state that pursued the foreign policy strategy based peacefulness and good neighbourliness, mutual respect and commitment to universally recognized norms of international law was reflected in the new initiatives put forward by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly. Focusing on the considerable political and historical significance of the Turkmen leader’s constructive proposals, the meeting participants noted that they were aimed at concerting global efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals – to maintain and strengthen the global system of security, prevent and neutralize threat of emerging conflicts and promote stable and sustainable development of the states and nations.

As is known, putting forward the initiatives to develop new formats of economic cooperation with the UN, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that the awareness of the commonality of long-term development goals and the willingness of the UN Member States to jointly seek to achieve them served today as a determining factor for global economic sustainability. In this regard President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reaffirmed that Turkmenistan intended to actively participate in this process and promote an exchange of successful experience our country had accumulated in a number of areas of social and economic development and expressed the readiness to do it through the relevant UN bodies, particularly through the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Meeting participants underlined that the President’s well thought-out and prudent economic strategy aimed at developing the strong competitive economy meeting modern requirements had enabled Turkmenistan to rank among dynamically developing countries of the world. The priority given to the reforms in this sphere is conditioned by the stable economic growth and successful integration of our country in the global system of economic relations. Underlining that Turkmenistan had gained outstanding achievements on the path of the fundamental reforms which had helped to avoid the negative effects of the global financial and economic crisis, the meeting participants focused on the need to conduct an international forum to present the national experience in this sphere to foreign counterparts.

The meeting participants assured President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that they would apply every effort to fulfil the assigned tasks and wished the Turkmen leader good health, wellbeing and new grandiose achievements in his versatile activity for the benefit of the Turkmen people and the humanity.