OREANDA-NEWSThe second-largest faction in the Verkhovna Rada “Opposition Platform - For Life” issued a statement on Tuesday condemning the initiative of the Verkhovna Rada deputies from the factions “Servant of the People” and “Golos” to introduce criminal penalties for negotiations with the Russian Federation on issues of domestic and foreign policy Ukraine.

"For negotiations with the Russian Federation on issues of domestic and foreign policy of Ukraine, as well as for ensuring life, health, and the release of hostages and prisoners of war, if such negotiations are conducted without the proper authorization of state authorities, the Ukrainian McCarthyists of the Sorosovsky spill intend to imprison for 13 to 15 years with or without confiscation of property, "the HRE said in a statement in connection with the registration in the Verkhovna Rada of a bill banning" separate negotiations with representatives of the aggressor state ".

The bill, the party believes, was purposefully written to combat the "Opposition Platform - For Life", which not only consistently and principally advocates for the implementation of the Minsk agreements and a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Donbass, but also proposed a real plan-concept for resolving the crisis in the south east of Ukraine.