State services to society

22.04.2020, 11:54
At the same time, household consumption increased by 1.1%
22.04.2020, 08:28
As part of anti-crisis measures, money will be allocated for paying salaries to employees of small businesses, financing hospitals and testing for coronavirus
21.04.2020, 16:01
Direct support to the economy from the entire anti-crisis program of the government is 0.3% of GDP (340 billion rubles)
21.04.2020, 12:45
The billionaire also plans to convince the British government to provide his airline with a loan of £ 500 million
20.04.2020, 15:22
He noted that the peak of the epidemic is yet to come
17.04.2020, 13:16
Each Japanese will be able to get almost $ 1 thousand
16.04.2020, 09:40
According to the President of the United States, on April 16, authorities will report on recommendations for lifting restrictions due to coronavirus
16.04.2020, 09:15
Japanese government members also return 20% of their monthly income to the treasury
15.04.2020, 09:48
This proposal was previously made by the leader of the Komeito party
14.04.2020, 14:08
The market contracted sharply and almost simultaneously because of the pandemic, retail trade in Russia fell by 35%, Russian President Vladimir Putin said
14.04.2020, 10:20
The decision will be made later, said US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin
13.04.2020, 14:39
The criterion for assessing the timing of the emergency mode will be the statistics of new cases of the disease
13.04.2020, 13:36
A specialist from Shanghai is sure that it will not be possible to completely defeat the disease, and after the return of cold weather the situation may worsen again
10.04.2020, 15:19
The second stage of the fight against infection should begin after Easter - April 14


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