OREANDA-NEWS. A group of ten experienced engineers of the Bryansk Engineering Plant (BMZ, a holding-integrated company) will come to Chengxu Shipyard (Jangin, China) early in April, 2007. The group is to perform the DB62 05 02 (6S50MS-S by MAN B&W classifier) mounting operations.

According to the press service of Transmashholding, the 9,480 kW (12,900 h.p.) diesel will be mounted on a ship designed for bulk cargo transportation (bulk carrier). The vessel is ordered by the Murmansk Shipping Company.
The bulk carrier sea trials are scheduled for this July.

It is noteworthy that the BMZ has already dealt with the Chengxu Shipyard and Murmansk Shipping Company mounting a DB62 on the latter’s vessel. The work was also performed in cooperation with a BMZ engineer.

The BMZ marine diesels were earlier announced to have been mounted on Ivan Papanin, Alexander Sledzuk, and Geogy Kononovich, the Murmansk Shipping Company-owned vessels.

Under the contract concluded by the BMZ and Murmansk Shipping Company in April, 2006 the former is to build and ship another three DB62 marine diesels in 2007-2008.