OREANDA-NEWS This is a neutron star, which has an extremely strong magnetic field. It is a magnetar and is called SGR 1900+14.

Scientists are sure that this object can release as much energy in a second as the Sun produces for one hundred years - such a phenomenon will turn the Earth into dust, and all living forms will disintegrate into atoms.

Magnetar SGR 1900+14 lives in the constellation Eagle at a distance of 20,000 light-year from Earth.

In 1998, astronomers recorded a super-powerful explosion, the source of which was the object; then the flow of particles released caused changes in the upper layers of the atmosphere and ionization occurred. 

Scientists have admitted that it is difficult for them to study magnetars, since few of them are located close enough to the Earth. They also have the strongest magnetic field in the universe.

As for SGR 1900+14, even the Sun may not survive its new release of energy.