OREANDA-NEWS. People who walk slowly are almost four times more likely to die from COVID-19 compared to those who walk at a fast pace. This unexpected conclusion was reported by The Daily Mail, citing a study by scientists from the University of Leicester.

The authors of the work deeply analyzed the indicators of more than 412 thousand people from the Biobank of Great Britain (which is a database of medical and genetic data of half a million citizens of the kingdom aged 40 to 69 years), studying the relationship between the incidence of COVID-19, weight and pace of walking.

The authors of the work analyzed the indicators of more than 412 thousand people from the Biobank of Great Britain (a database of medical and genetic data of half a million citizens of the kingdom aged 40 to 69 years), studying the relationship between the incidence of COVID-19, weight and pace of walking.

At the same time, the risks were equally high in slow people with both normal weight and obesity.

According to scientists, people with a faster pace of walking have a healthier cardiovascular system, which may have an impact on the course of the disease. However, the exact reason for the results is still unclear, the researchers admitted.