
14.04.2021, 11:23
Researchers have identified a significant relationship, the link between climate change and war in world history.
14.04.2021, 11:11
In an annual report on the assessment by the American intelligence community of various threats to the United States in the world, experts called Russia the strongest adversary for America.
12.04.2021, 16:54
Norway's sovereign wealth fund, which has 1.3 trillion dollars in assets, made its first investment in green energy: it agreed to buy from Danish company Orsted a 50 percent stake in two 752 megawatt Borssele wind farms 1 and 2.
12.04.2021, 15:36
The head of the German government will speak at the opening of the international industrial exhibition in Hanover.
12.04.2021, 13:12
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused Israel of sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility. Tehran has promised to take revenge for this.
12.04.2021, 12:46
Maxim Ovchinnikov, the first deputy general director of the state corporation for economics and finance, said that one of the counterparties of Roscosmos in 2020 refused the contract for the launch of the satellite due to US sanctions.
12.04.2021, 12:37
Police in Minneapolis, USA, shot and killed a black man in his car, provoking riots. This information is reported by The Independent.
12.04.2021, 11:12
Jerome Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, responded to a question about threats to the economy in an interview with CBS. He noted that the US economy is currently at a "turning point".
12.04.2021, 10:31
Delegates of the party "Alternative for Germany" called for the country's withdrawal from the European Union during the congress in Dresden. This information is reported by the DPA agency.
04.04.2021, 18:47
In the UK, testing of the Coronavirus Immunity Passport System will begin in April. This information is reported by The Sunday Telegraph.
04.04.2021, 18:36
Pope Francis called the Resurrection of Christ a hope for reconciliation and reassurance for those affected by the pandemic. The pontiff said this on Sunday in the traditional Easter address "To the City and the World".
04.04.2021, 14:19
Ruslan Khomchak, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said that in recent years Ukraine has become a "real shield" for Europe, and that the country has also made a serious contribution to NATO's security.
04.04.2021, 13:59
Former President of the United States of America Donald Trump has called for a boycott of Coca-Cola, Major League Baseball and other corporations that oppose Georgia's electoral law changes.
04.04.2021, 12:48
Former President of the United States of America Donald Trump congratulated his supporters on the eve of Catholic Easter. This information is reported by The Hill agency.
04.04.2021, 12:31
Residents of Germany who have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and who have already developed immunity will be allowed to go shopping without taking a coronavirus test and travel without quarantine.


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