
20.03.2021, 12:59
The US Migration Service began deporting illegal migrants who are trying to enter the country from Mexico, hundreds of kilometers from their place of detention.
20.03.2021, 11:40
The US and China will set up a joint working group to combat climate change. This information is reported by the official news agency of the Chinese government.
20.03.2021, 11:19
The fall and explosion of the cosmic body occurred on the evening of Friday, March 19, in the area of ​​the city of Moa in the eastern part of Cuba. This information is reported by the foreign publication Cubadebate.
20.03.2021, 10:24
The Japanese authorities refused to let foreign volunteers into the country to participate in the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo due to the risks of the spread of coronavirus infection.
10.03.2021, 15:48
Authorities in the Swedish region of Skane are outraged by the construction of an artificial island called Linettholm, which is located next to the Danish capital Copenhagen and the Oresund Strait, which connects the Baltic and North Seas.
10.03.2021, 13:55
The bust of the leader of the racist organization Ku Klux Klan and General of the Confederate troops Nathan Bedford Forrest will be removed from the Capitol of the American state of Tennessee.
10.03.2021, 11:52
Former American President Donald Trump spoke about the destruction of the United States due to the policies of the current leader Joe Biden on the country's southern borders.
10.03.2021, 11:35
Due to the melting ice in the Arctic, more and more attention is attracting the Northern Sea Route - a route that allows to transport goods between Europe and Asia faster than through the Suez Canal.
10.03.2021, 10:47
Elon Musk, american entrepreneur and founder of Tesla and SpaceX, explained the reason for the explosion of the Starship spacecraft prototype.
10.03.2021, 10:37
The Latvian authorities have decided to resume flights with third countries, including Russia.
10.03.2021, 10:17
The Ukrainian authorities intend to nationalize the Motor Sich plant. This action on the part of Ukraine will help Skyrizon Aircraft Holdings defend its investments and property rights in courts.
09.03.2021, 17:02
The Chinese authorities' war with Alibaba founder Jack Ma scared Chinese entrepreneurs. This could slow down Beijing's movement towards the status of a world leader in technology, which will hit the country's economy.
09.03.2021, 14:28
The US authorities threatened Egypt with sanctions pressure in connection with the country's plans to buy a batch of Su-35 fighters from Russia.
09.03.2021, 13:39
Swedish activist Greta Thunberg criticized the environmental policy of United States President Joe Biden. She expressed her opinion in an interview with the American television channel MSNBC.
09.03.2021, 13:25
Elon Musk's Tesla company lost a third of its value for the third time in a year. The company's market capitalization collapsed by nearly 300 billion dollars.


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