OREANDA-NEWS. December 9, 2008. Mr Medvedev recalled the instructions he issued immediately following the Georgian attack, and asked Mr Shoigu to report on the state of progress with reconstruction work in South Ossetia. Mr Shoigu said that water and energy supply has already been fully restored in the capital, Tsinkhvali. Gas boilers are being built in all of the republic’s schools together with Gazprom. Gas cylinders are being supplied to all important facilities. Previously, South Ossetia received its gas supplies via Georgian territory, but Georgia has now cut off these supplies. Construction of a gas pipeline to South Ossetia has begun, and Mr Shoigu said that it should be ready for operation in the first half of next year.

Furthermore, Emergency Situations Ministry specialists working in South Ossetia have defused around 2,000 shells and air-borne bombs.

Mr Medvedev said that South Ossetia is a young country that needs help in its development and building the foundations of its statehood.