OREANDA-NEWS. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the intention of former presidential advisor on national security John Bolton to publish a book entitled The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir that contain classified information and called him a traitor.

Pompeo reported that he did not read Bolton’s work from beginning to end, but from the excerpts he had read, he concluded that the ex-advisor is “spreading a number of lies, fully-spun half-truths, and outright falsehoods.” “It is both sad and dangerous that John Bolton’s final public role is that of a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people,” the head of the State Department wrote on his Twitter page.

On June 17, the US Department of Justice sued Bolton because of his book, which is now being prepared for release. The agency claims that it contains classified information that could jeopardize the country’s national security.