
23.06.2021, 11:48

The peculiarity of the new strain of the delta-plus coronavirus is that it is extremely infectious, the India Today portal reported, citing the director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Randip Guleria.

22.06.2021, 09:57
The Russian vaccine against coronavirus "Sputnik V" is suitable for revaccination of those who were vaccinated with "EpiVacCorona" or "KoviVac".
17.06.2021, 15:03

The World Health Organization has proposed a ban on drinking for women of childbearing age, according to the draft Global Action Plan against Alcohol for 2022 - 2030.

17.06.2021, 11:36
The heat wave that is approaching the center of European Russia will be accompanied by dangerous ultraviolet index readings in the next five to six days, it is necessary to stay in the shade from 10 to 18 hours.
16.06.2021, 10:22

A modified Indian strain of coronavirus was found in Moscow. This was announced by the head of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg, Interfax reports.

16.06.2021, 09:59
Mathematicians from St. Petersburg State University have made a new forecast for the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in Russia. Izvestia writes about this.
15.06.2021, 16:57
Over the next ten years, depression will become the leader among diseases - this is the forecast of the World Health Organization (WHO). The increase in depressive moods was caused, among other things, by the coronavirus pandemic.
11.06.2021, 11:00
Some of those who have had coronavirus have unusual consequences. People complain of limb numbness or decreased sensitivity.
10.06.2021, 15:12
The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted the spread of a more contagious Indian strain of coronavirus in Europe.
03.06.2021, 11:03
In Russia, there are no risks of a third wave of coronavirus in the summer or fall of this year, the epidemic is already at the completion stage.
02.06.2021, 15:14

Roshydromet scientific director Roman Vilfand urged Russians to wear a sombrero to protect themselves from ultraviolet radiation during the swimming season.

02.06.2021, 12:52
The nutritionist spoke about the valuable properties of radish and contraindications to its use.
31.05.2021, 11:18
The Ministers of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany will discuss the fight against corruption schemes in the provision of services for the detection of coronavirus by test centers.
28.05.2021, 16:07
The spread of overweight and obesity has become a pandemic, the consequences of which die much more often than from the coronavirus.
27.05.2021, 15:39
According to the head of the laboratory of mechanisms of population variability of pathogenic microorganisms at the Gamaleya Center, citizens fully vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine are not contagious, they are not involved in the spread of coronavirus.


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