Articles for 14.10.2019

14.10.2019, 23:03

It was reported by Major General Alexei Bakin, the head of the Russian Reconciliation Center of Opposing Sides.

14.10.2019, 22:21

It received 43.59 % of the votes.

14.10.2019, 21:11

It will be in demand if it is supplied at competitive prices.

14.10.2019, 20:12

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said that there are signs of violation of international law in the situation with the Crimea.

14.10.2019, 19:27

9 of them were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 9 to 13 years.

14.10.2019, 18:07

More than 10 thousand people participate in it.

14.10.2019, 17:20

A spokesman for Russian President also answered a question about the possibility of involving Russia in the operation.

14.10.2019, 16:34

The reason is his visit to an event that featured the ultra-right rock group.

14.10.2019, 15:33
The Queen stressed that the British Cabinet will “continue to invest in the development of the Armed Forces” of the country, and will also spend at least 2% of GDP on defense
14.10.2019, 15:16
Berlin isn't going to prohibit any company to participate in the competition by default

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